Saturday, December 20, 2008

Unintended Neglect...

Although I have no delusions regarding the size of my readership, I actually did have several updates slated for the past couple months that never quite came to fruition. Needless to say, my final semester's gamut of paper-writing was far more labor intensive than expected, but I'll try to get back on the rhetorical wagon within the next few weeks. (In case anyone is wondering, a recent Blogger update ate my original template for breakfast, but I'll just leave the formatting as-is in the event that anyone is browsing at 800x600.)

Otherwise, I'm pushing the prospect of grad school to the back burner for now and looking for a job locally. My first (and ideal) avenue of pursuit will actually be with the university I just graduated from, likely in some type of technical and/or office support role, which would eventually serve as an excellent springboard for jumping back into the academic grind in a logistical as well as financial sense (go-go tuition waivers for full-time employees). So, if I don't post again prior to the holiday, be safe and enjoy the three Gs: good food, good times, and good company.

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