Monday, June 11, 2007

Three-Year Anniversary

Last Friday was the three-year anniversary of my accident, and while I don't mean to belabor the obvious, I can't help but reflect on what I've found to be a very important truism: nothing worthwhile is ever easy. Although hardship may not be an equal opportunity employer, life will challenge us all in some way, and it is the act of rising to and then surmounting those difficulties that gives our lives meaningful shape.

Sound clichéd? Perhaps. But I prefer to think of it as one of those truths whose obviousness is essential to its widespread anonymity. Whenever any meaningful degree of frustration rears its ugly head, I find myself returning to that very maxim to shore up my typical stoicism.

However, don't mistake my ramblings as applying only to cases of severe injury or hardship. The realization that anything worth doing is going to require a very real and active investment of self is something that transcends the entire spectrum of potential difficulty; it is a powerful and perhaps daunting fact, but I honestly consider it to be one of the best and most realistic ways to prepare yourself for the thornier side of life.

If overcoming adversity in its many forms were easy, then what accomplishment could possibly be worthwhile? Honestly, I find great comfort in this reality, as it makes any personal victory--regardless of size--far sweeter. Ultimately, while I may have little choice, I prefer to earn my victories.